1. märts 2010

Sucres endiselt

Ma lahkun tana Sucrest. La Pazi ja loodan, et ma ei pea La Pazi kauemaks kui moneks tunniks jaama. Tahan minna Copacabani (ei ole oigekirjas kindel), et Titicaca jarve ja selle ujuvaid saari vaatama minna.
Sucre on ilus linnake, aga ma pole mitte midagi kasulikku teinud siin! Masendav, voiks oelda... Poisid on pidutsenud mitu paeva ja praegu on magiratastega soitmas. Ma otsustasin mitte minna, sest ei tahtnud, et nad jalle minu jarele ootama peaksid- juhul kui osutun norgas fuusilises vormis olema, mida ma ilmselt nendega vorreldes olen.
Agnes, keda kohtasin Limas, jouab tana Sucresse, mul on nii kahju, et ma sellest tana hommikul alles teada sain ja temaga kohtumist kokku leppida ei saanud. Oleks tore olnud naha kedagi "kaugest minevikust"... Praegusel hetkel just nii see tundub, et aeg Limas oli ammu aega tagasi.
Ootan juba Peruusse ja rannikule tagasi joudmist. See sisemaal loksus olemine ei moju hasti mulle (kuigi maed on olnud superluks ilusad, voib- olla ongi minu jaoks paar nadalat sisemaal olemist kull?
Igatahes tsau-pakaa ja varst tulengi juba koju!:)

I will leave Sucre tonight and go to La Paz. I hope that I dont need to stay there more than few hours- i want to go to Copacabana to see Lake Titicaca and its floating islands.
Sucre is nice town but i havent done anything good here! Depressing, could say. Boys have been partying many days and at the moment they are riding mountain bikes. I decided not to go because i didnt want them to wait for me again- in case im not fit enough... And probably im not fit enough compears to them.
Agnes who i met in Lima will come to Sucre tonight. Im so sad that i heard about this just today and i cant meet her. It would have been so nice to see someone from the "far past"... yes, at the moment the time in Lima was a long long time ago.
I already wait to get back to Peru and coast! Being stuck inlands is not good for me (but i loved the mountains)... Maybe couple of weeks inlands is enough for me?
Anyway, ciao. Soon i will be at home!:)

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