26. jaanuar 2010


Sacred Valleys kaisin ma ara! Sain tuttavaks uhe Stephiga Austraaliast, kellega otsustasime hobustega inka varemeid uurima minna. Moeldud, tehtud! Broneerisime endile 4 tundi hobusesoitu ja inka varemte kulastamist. Varemed olid toesti ilusad ja ratsutamine oli omamoodi kogemus. Hahaa. Mu hobune, kelle nimi hispaania keeles Tormenta, mis eesti keeles tahendab Torm, oli kull pisut kondine ja vaike minu jaoks. Minu arvates. Toesti kahju oli, millist kivijoge mooda ta ules pidi ronima... ja samal ajal mind kandma... Aga noh, tore oli. Vaga tore!
Puhapaeval asusime teele Aguas Caliente poole, et Machu Picchut naha... Joudsime hommikul Ollentaytambosse (ma ei ole uldse kindel oigekirjas), kus meile oeldi, et hommikused rongid ei soida, aga 16.30 rong peaks juba soitma. Pohjuseks olid muda ja kivid, mis magedest alla, raudteele vajusid. Need loodeti ohtuse rongi ajaks ara koristada. Mis seal siis ikka, olime paeva linna peal, internetis, soime pika louna ja laksime kella 16 rongijaama tagasi, kus teatati, et ka 16.30 rong voib mitte valjuda, info saabub poole tunni jooksul. Istusime siis raudteejaama korval asuvasse kohvikusse maha ja votsime Pisco Souri. Hakkasime arutama, et akki leiame mone kohaliku kulamehe, hobustega, kes teab, kuidas Aguas Calientesse saada mooda magesid. Umbes poole kokteili ajal saabus info, et rongid ei soida siiski aga ilmselt juba hommikuks saab koik korda.
Laksime rongijaama, vahetasime pileti hommikuse vastu ja laksime hostelit otsima. Linnas kohtasime kahte tudrukut, kes olid ka Austraaliast parit ja nemad soovitasid meile hostelit, kus nad ise oobisid. Laksime sinna. Monus hostel oli. Teistsugune kui tavalised hostelid, saime kolmese toa, suurte voodite ja 4 alpaka tekiga. Ka telekas ja dvd-mangija olid toas olemas. Igatahes. Laksime ohtusoogile teiste hostelis oobijatega ja tagasi tulles ostsime kartulikropse, et filmiohtu teha! Keegi ei usu, mis filme me vaatasime... hahaaa.... esimene oli "Puhkus" Cameron Diaze, Jude Law, Jack Blacki ja siis selle "Titanicu" peaosataitjaga ning teine film oli "Lovikuningas". Lovikuningas oli hispaania keeles. Hahaha.
Parast hommikusooki laksime rongijaama jalle, et lopuks ometi Machu Picchut vaatama minna. Rongijaamas ootas meid aga teatis, et rongid ei soida ja olukord on isegi hullemaks lainud. Sellepeale otsustasime tagasi Cuscosse tulla, sest keegi ei teadnud, kaua voib aega votta teede puhastamine ja Machu Picchu avamine... Kohtasime paari, uks Sveitsist ja teine Saksamaalt, kes tahtsid taksoga Cuscosse minna ja tee peal pilte teha. Sobis ka meile see plaan. Nii me siis soitsime umbes 2 tundi tagasi sealt, pidevalt peatuseid tehes ja pilte klopsides. Meeletu mudajogi! Uhe kula majad olid osaliselt vees juba. Ka autoteel oli kive ja muda, mida sahaga teelt ara lukati. Saime onnelikult tagasi oma hostelisse ja tahistasime Austraalia paeva! Tana olen pisut vasinud ja uimane, aga ostsin endale lennupileti Buenos Airesesse! Seal peaks paike ja soe olema! Boliivia kohta raagitakse ka imejutte praegu, kuidas koik uputab ja teedel pole mingit kvaliteeti.
Linna kohal on naha helikoptereid lendamas- usun, et need on helikopterid inimestega, kefa evakueeritakse Aguas Calientesest.
Igatahes Machu Picchut ma seekord siis ei nae!
Moned paevad veel Cuscos ja siis Argentiinasse loodetavasti:)

I did go to Sacred Valley! I met Stephanie from Australia with whom we decided to discover Sacred Valley by horses! The name of my horse was Tormento- which means Storm. Hahaa. I think he was having hard times when carrying me because he was skinny and the road (rocky river) wasnt not nice for him to walk at all. But the ruins were great and horseriding was cool! I enjoyed it for sure!
On Sunday we started to go to Aguas Calientes. We managed to get to Ollentaytambo (im not sure how to spell it) where they said that there wont be any trains until 16.30 because of the landslides and floating river! We bought our tickets and spent our day in the town. Had a long lunch, some internet and sightseeing. At 4 pm we went back to the trainstation where they said to us that the train may not go but the information was arriving in half an hour. So we sat down in the cafe next to the trainstation and had a Pisco Sour. Started to plan finding a local man with horses who would know the way over the mountains to Aguas Calientes... hahaa. In the middle of the coctail the inforamation arrived- all the trains were cancelled. They hoped to fix all the problems by the morning. So we changed our tickets and looked for a hostel. Met two Australian girls in the street and went to the hostel they stayed in. It was nice and different. We had 3 bed dorm with tv, dvd- player and 4 alpaca blankets. After dinner we bought some chrisps and had a movie night. We watched "Holiday" and " The Lion King" hahaaa. "Lion King" was in Spanish...
After having breakfast we went to the trainstation where they said that all the trains were cancelled and nowone knew when it was going to be ok again. So we decided to come back to Cusco. We found a couple who wanted to come back by a taxi and make stops on the way to take photos. So we joined them. Had some photos of mudriver and village in the water...
We got back and celebrated Australian Day! Today im tired and dizzy but i bought myself a ticket to Buenos Aires! People are saying that its raining too much in Bolivia too, the roads are broken and it is not so good there...
We keep on seeing helicopters flying over Cusco- they might be the helicopters with people from Aguas Calientes who are evacuated by the coverment... So the point is. No Machu Picchu for me this time!
Couple of more days in Cusco and then to Argentina!

4 kommentaari:

Margit ütles ...

Nägin sind täna unes. Käisime TG kontserti kuulamas.

nana ütles ...

ebaõnne selle Pichuga:)

Unknown ütles ...

Räpihäpi, joujou, siia saan ka õnnesoove jätta, vuhuuu! Let´s the party begin!

Anonüümne ütles ...

mida ma otsin, aitah